Brief history of instructional design infographic
Brief history of instructional design infographic

brief history of instructional design infographic brief history of instructional design infographic

The data collection tools used in the research were the “self-efficacy scale for the design and usage of infographics”, the “opinion survey for the usage of infographics in teaching environments”, a “semi-structured interview form for the design of infographics for teachers and their usage in teaching environments” and a “semi-structured interview form for elementary school students for the usage of infographics in education”. The purpose of this education activity was to develop knowledge and skills in the theoretical and applied dimensions required for the design of infographics. The implementation process of the study consisted of 52 hours of education in face-to-face and online learning environments with the participation of 43 elementary school teachers. The study group of the research consists of 43 teachers and 51 elementary school students from elementary schools in Cyprus who participated in the research process voluntarily. The purpose of this research is to develop an instructional design based on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model of infographic design as well as the determination of student and teacher opinions on the usage of infographics in teaching. It is a visualisation method which aims at presenting any content with a visual composition, combining such elements as shapes, symbols, graphics, photographs, illustrations, and texts for the target audience. Infographics have been frequently used in recent years with the purpose of the visual presentation of information.

Brief history of instructional design infographic